Most shows require a “participant” as a part of their last act and most leading ladies prey on the front and back rows for this final part of the show. When visiting a sex show in Amsterdam, a seat is only as good as the amount of people you have to hide behind. It has a slightly better reputation than the others. Tip: If your friendly, sidewalk salesman does not offer any discount, try Casa Rosso.
He lowered the price by 5 euro while still including the two free drinks, so Casa Rosso it was! After discovering they were all about the same price, we returned to our frightening friend. Upon hearing his pitch, we made sure to walk to each sex show location to search for the best deal. Instead, he creepily offered us an hour-long show and two drink tickets at Casa Rosso. At first, we thought he was going to sell us drugs or sex.
“the street salesman” grabbed our attention first. While we walked up and down the RLD, an ominous, shady character a.k.a.
So how do you choose which sex show in Amsterdam? You can either go to Moulin Rouge, Casa Rossoor Sex Palace, each show only slightly different than the other and very similar in price. As a lucky tourist visiting Amsterdam, you have quite a few options when it comes to spending your money on a live sex show.